Our Products


Our core product is the COBEDIAS electronic status bulletin. With the help of this software, every physician is enabled to examine his patients according to highest academic standards of occidental medicine. This systematic, stringent approach provides immediate diagnostic hints.


How to get in touch with COBEDIAS?

  • Patients may be sent to a COBEDIAS certified private practice or hospital.

  • Physicians may integrate the COBEDIAS electronic health record into their clinical information system and license the software

  • Medical students may get access to the webbased training platform SIT-UP (stands for Swiss interfacultary training unit for physicians). For their whole medical school training they are supported by COBEDIAS - particularly valuable is the complete collection of individual professional learing experience during the medical training.
  • Producers of eHealth products or clinical information systems may license the COBEDIAS method to stay compatible with this straight forward diagnostic support system.


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